Public Release 0.1628.1: New Villain Storyline Continuation (Continued)

Hello, everyone!

This update completes the scenes for the fourth day of our ongoing villain storyline, along with most of the fifth. I might make a few changes to it over the coming weeks, but overall it seems fairly solid and I should be in a good position to move on to the more dramatic parts of the story and the CGs it promises. It should be a good time ^^

And speaking of CG's we move on to my main regret this time: There's barely any new art to show. There's a couple of minor additions I had made for the previous one, and you'll see that in the new section, but other than that? Those dramatic parts can't come soon enough!

Oh yeah, and I added one more piece of background music that I thought would make a decent enough fit for Penlight, if only for variety's sake. It should help a little to break up the monotony of hearing the same couple songs playing on repeat.

Anyway, that's all for now. I hope you find the new scenes interesting and I'm really looking forward to showing you what's coming next~

What's New

  • WRITING: Scenes for day 4 and most of day 5 written for the new villain storyline
  • ART: Added a few new assets for a CG in the new villain storyline
  • MUSIC: Added one new BGM to the game's soundtrack, that plays during the new villain storyline
  • Word count is now around 447,000
  • FIX: Corrected a minor bug in the CG gallery where one of the CGs was not unlocking correctly
  • LOCALIZATION: Various edits and corrections to the existing Spanish script
  • Some typo and grammar corrections


Penlight Public Release 0.1628.1 (PC & Linux) 421 MB
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Penlight Public Release 0.1628.1 (Mac) 416 MB
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Penlight Public Release 0.1628.1 (Android) 441 MB
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