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Lanzamiento público 0.1628.1: Continuación (continuada) de la línea Villana
March 08, 2025
Angela DeMille
¡Hola a todos! Con esta actualización quedan completas las escenas del cuarto día de nuestra historia Villana en curso, junto con la mayor parte del quinto. Puede que les haga unos cuantos cambios...
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Public Release 0.1628.1: New Villain Storyline Continuation (Continued)
March 08, 2025
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hello, everyone! This update completes the scenes for the fourth day of our ongoing villain storyline, along with most of the fifth. I might make a few changes to it over the coming weeks, but overall...
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Lanzamiento público 0.1627.1: Continuación de la nueva historia villana
February 08, 2025
Angela DeMille
¡Hola de nuevo a todos! El pasado mes pasé por mucha frustración al planear cómo debería transcurrir esta historia de principio a fin. Tengo más o menos una idea de cómo terminará, pero tuve u...
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Public Release 0.1627.1: New Villain Storyline Continuation
February 08, 2025
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hello again, everyone! This past month saw a lot of frustrated plotting over how this new villain storyline's supposed to go from beginning to end. I sort of know how it's going to end, but I got mega...
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Lanzamiento público 0.1626.3: Continuación de la nueva línea villana
January 11, 2025
Angela DeMille
¡Hola a todos! Esta actualización continúa la nueva ruta villana introducida el mes pasado, en la que Kyou elige quedarse por ahí después de clases con la esperanza de volver a encontrarse a Nozo...
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Public Release 0.1626.3: New Villain Storyline Continuation
January 11, 2025
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hello, everyone! This update continues the new villain story route introduced last month, where Kyou chooses to stick around after class in the hopes of finding Nozomi again. There's a couple new scen...
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Lanzamiento público 0.1625.1: Nueva extensión a la línea Villana
December 14, 2024
Angela DeMille
¡Hola a todos! El último mes estuve pensando un poco qué iba a ser la última actualización pública del año. Quería desviarme un poco de mi rutina de escribir finales alternativos para historia...
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Public Release 0.1625.1: New Villain Storyline Extension
December 14, 2024
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hello, everyone! Over the past month I had a bit of a think about what to do for what would be the last public update of the year. I wanted to deviate a bit from my routine of writing alternate ending...
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Lanzamiento público 0.1623.1: Nuevo sendero para la línea Crédula de Hiroko
November 09, 2024
Angela DeMille
¡Hola a todos! En esta nueva versión queda completado el nuevo sendero de una de las historias de Hiroko. Específicamente en la que Kyou se convence de que sigue sus indicaciones asistidas por la l...
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Public Release 0.1623.1: New Hiroko Gullible Story Path
November 09, 2024
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hello, everyone! This latest version sees the completion of a new story path on one of Hiroko's storylines. Specifically the one where Kyou convinces himself that she's following his penlight-assisted...
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Lanzamiento público 0.1621.2: ¡Nuevo final para la línea Villana de Robot!
October 12, 2024
Angela DeMille
¡¿Qué hay, gente?! ¡Con la actualización de este mes se completa la sub-ruta más reciente de la línea Robot! Una vez más, para aquellos que no recuerden cómo llegar a este sendero, hagan las...
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Public Release 0.1621.2: New Villainous Robot Storyline Ending!
October 12, 2024
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hiya, folks! This month's update completes the script for the latest sub path of the Robot storyline! Once again for those who don't recall how to get to this path, make the following choices from the...
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Lanzamiento público 0.1620.1: Nuevo final para la línea Robot (bosquejo)
September 14, 2024
Angela DeMille
¡Hola a todos! El último mes he estado trabajando en terminar la historia que comencé en el lanzamiento anterior, que toma lugar en la línea Robot donde Kyou convence a Nozomi de que sea su novia...
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Public Release 0.1620.1: New Robot Storyline Ending (Outline)
September 14, 2024
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hello, everyone! This past month has seen me working to finish the new story path I began in the previous release, taking place during the Robot storyline where Kyou convinces Nozomi to become his gir...
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Lanzamiento público 0.1618.1: Adiciones a la línea de Sayori Alter y la línea Villana de Robot
August 10, 2024
Angela DeMille
¡Hola a todos! Para esta actualización terminé el último pedacito que me hacía falta para completar el sendero de Sayori Alter del mes pasado. También comencé a escribir una de las nuevas sub-r...
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Public Release 0.1618.1: Sayori Alter & Villainous Robot Storyline Additions
August 10, 2024
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hello, everyone! For this release I've put together the last little bit of script I needed to complete the Sayori Alter path from last month. I also began writing one of the a new sub-path from the Vi...
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Lanzamiento Público 0.1616.1: Expansión de la línea de Sayori Alter
July 13, 2024
Angela DeMille
¡Hola a rodos! Pues, para este mes, conseguí (casi) completar uno de los senderos restantes de la historia original de Sayori Alter donde Kyou cede a la tentación cerca del final, e incluí un nuev...
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Public Release 0.1616.1: Sayori Alter Storyline Expansion
July 13, 2024
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hey, everyone! So for this month I managed to (almost) complete one of the remaining story paths on Sayori's original Alter storyline, where Kyou gives in to temptation towards the end, and included a...
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Lanzamiento público 0.1615.1: Expansión a la línea del Delirio
June 08, 2024
Angela DeMille
¡Hola a todos! Para esta actualización, continué escribiendo lo que comencé el mes pasado, así que tenemos una especie de final para la nueva rama de la línea del Delirio. No estoy del todo sati...
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Public Release 0.1615.1: Delusion Storyline Expansion
June 08, 2024
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hi, everyone! For this update I continued the writing I began last month, so we now have an ending of sorts to the new branch path of the Delusion storyline. I'm not totally satisfied with it and I ma...
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Lanzamiento público 0.1614.1: Expansión a la línea del Delirio
May 11, 2024
Angela DeMille
¡Hola a todos! Para la actualización de este mes decidí intentar escribir uno de los caminos pendientes más antiguos del juego. La parte en la que Kyou comienza a dudar si lo que está haciendo es...
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Public Release 0.1614.1: Delusion Storyline Expansion
May 11, 2024
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hi, everyone! For this month's release I had a crack at writing one of the oldest unwritten story paths in the game. The part where Kyou has second thoughts about what he's doing right at the end of P...
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Lanzamiento público 0.1613.1: Expansión de la línea de Manos Cosquilludas de Hiroko
April 13, 2024
Angela DeMille
¡Hola a todos! La actualización de este mes trae consigo una sub-ruta de la línea de Manos Cosquilludas de Hiroko. Para averiguar de qué estoy hablando, empiecen la ruta de Hiroko y seleccionen la...
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Public Release 0.1613.1: Hiroko Ticklish Storyline Expansion
April 13, 2024
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hello, everyone! This month's update sees the completion of a sub path on Hiroko's Ticklish storyline. To find out what I'm talking about, start Hiroko's route and select the "ticklish" suggestion, th...
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Lanzamiento público 0.1611.1: Expansión de la historia Alter de Sayori
March 09, 2024
Angela DeMille
¡Hola a todos! Esta actualización básicamente completa la sub-ruta en la que estaba trabajando para la línea Alter de Sayori, la cual estaba bosquejada en la actualización anterior. Una cosa más...
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Public Release 0.1611.1: Sayori Alter Storyline Expansion
March 09, 2024
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hi, everyone! This update basically completes the sub path I was working on for Sayori's Alter storyline, which we saw outlined in the previous release. That's something else crossed off the to-do lis...
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Lanzamiento público 0.1610.1: Expansión de la línea Alter de Sayori
February 10, 2024
Angela DeMille
¡Hola a todos! No pude hacer mucho el último mes, pero aun así hay algo que mostrar en esta actualización, la cual se expande por una de las elecciones previamente inaccesibles de la línea de Say...
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Public Release 0.1610.1: Sayori Alter Storyline Expansion
February 10, 2024
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hello, everyone! I wasn't able to do all that much over the past month but there's still something to show in this update, which expands on one of the previously inaccessible choices in Sayori's Alter...
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Public Release 0.1609.1: Nozomi Trance Storyline Update
January 13, 2024
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hello, everyone! For our first public update of the new year, I tied up the loose ends left over from last time regarding Nozomi's latest story path on her Trance storyline. That means the alternate v...
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Lanzamiento público 0.1608.1: ¡Nuevo final para la ruta de Trance de Nozomi!
December 10, 2023
Angela DeMille
¡Hola a todos! ¡Esta actualización trae consigo el nuevo sendero de la ruta de Trance de Nozomi escrito hasta su conclusión! Para encontrar el nuevo sendero, comiencen la ruta de Nozomi, denle un...
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Public Release 0.1608.1: New Nozomi Trance Path Ending!
December 09, 2023
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hi, everyone! This update sees the new Nozomi Trance story path written up to a conclusion! To find the new path, begin the game on Nozomi's route, give her a reinduction trigger and on the weekend co...
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Public Release 0.1606.1: New Nozomi Trance Story Path!
November 11, 2023
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hello, everyone! For this update I fancied taking a crack at another one of the unethical story paths yet to be written... I'm not sure I even *have* any ethical paths left to write at this point?! In...
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Lanzamiento público 0.1604.1: Nuevo final para la ruta de Hiroko
October 14, 2023
Angela DeMille
¡Hola a todos! ¡La más reciente actualización trae consigo otro final! En este caso para la línea de Hiroko de Manos Cosquilludas, cuando Kyou toma una decisión diferente durante su crucial encu...
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Public Release 0.1604.1: New Hiroko Route Ending
October 14, 2023
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hi, everyone! This latest update brings with it another new ending! This one's on Hiroko's Ticklish story path, where Kyou makes a different choice during the crucial meeting with her on the school ro...
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Public Release 0.1602.1: Nozomi Reversal Storyline (New Path!)
September 09, 2023
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hi, everyone! During these past weeks I've been working on a second path for Nozomi's Reversal storyline, which I'm sure will be of interest to a lot of you. I had to rush it terribly to get it writte...
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Lanzamiento público 0.1600.1: ¡Historia de Sayori Alter completa!
August 12, 2023
Angela DeMille
¡400,000 palabras! xD Esta actualización, más allá de ese hito, completa la historia que he estado escribiendo para la ruta Alter de Sayori. No me parece tan buena como otras historias de Sayori...
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Public Release 0.1600.1: Sayori Alter Storyline Completion!
August 12, 2023
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
400,000 words! xD This update, beyond that awesome milestone, completes the storyline I've been writing for Sayori's Alter path. I don't think it's as good as some of Sayori's other stories, but on re...
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Public Release 0.1598.1: More Sayori Alter Storyline Progress
July 08, 2023
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hi, everyone! As expected, my work on Sayori's latest Alter story path continued with this update. I was able to turn a lot of that rough dialogue and outline from before into some proper script and,...
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Public Release 0.1596.1: Sayori Alter Storyline Progress
June 10, 2023
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hey, everyone! This month saw me pick up Sayori's most recent Alter story path again after having left it hanging earlier in the year. I'd been meaning to get back to it for some time now, and while I...
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Public Release 0.1594.1: Nozomi & Sayori Story Updates
May 13, 2023
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hi, folks! This month's release adds a little content to two previously greyed-out story paths on Nozomi's "Zombie" storyline, and develops the open path of Sayori's Alter storyline a tad further. I c...
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Public Release 0.1592.1: Various Script Updates
April 08, 2023
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hello, everyone! This month's update brings with it a number of new scenes spread across three of Penlight's old unfinished story paths. The highlight this month comes from the fact there's now a new...
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Public Release 0.1590.1: Sayori Alter Path Script Update
March 11, 2023
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hello, all! The new Sayori Alter storyline path continues its slow crawl to completion in this update, with one new scene fully scripted out. Progress has been a lot slower than I can be happy with, a...
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Public Release 0.1588.1: Sayori Alter Story Path Update
February 11, 2023
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hi, everyone! The February release of Penlight sees some significant progress made with Sayori's ongoing story path, which if you haven't been following along is a branch of her "Alter" storyline. Its...
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Public Release 0.1586.1: Sayori Alter Additions & CG Fixes
January 14, 2023
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hello, everyone! Hope we're having a good year so far~ This month's public release brings a little more written content for the new path in Sayori's Alter storyline. It's not much, but it moves the st...
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Public Release 0.1584.1: Sayori Alter Storyline Expansion
December 10, 2022
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hi, everyone! Since the last update I've been feeling out how one of the unwritten decision points on Sayori's Alter storyline is supposed to go. It's been tough but necessary, I think, to plot out ho...
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Public Release 0.1582.2: Hiroko Gullible Storyline Conclusion
November 12, 2022
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
This November's release sees the completion of one full path for Hiroko's Gullible storyline! It mostly came together pretty well and I'm happy with what I got done over the past month so I hope you a...
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Public Release 0.1580.2: Gullible Storyline Update
October 08, 2022
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Our next monthly update brings with it an extended and slightly edited script for the Reversal ending that was released last time, complete with a beautiful CG to close it out. And with that I'm final...
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Public Release 0.1578.2: Reversal Storyline Ending
September 10, 2022
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hiiii, everyone! Well, I finally did it. I crafted an ending for the Reversal story path! The version presented here is a little unpolished but still, there IS an ending! I hope it brings people some...
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Public Release 0.1576.1: Reversal Storyline Additions
August 13, 2022
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hi, everyone! This month sees the long-awaited continuation of Nozomi's Reversal storyline, with its most significant update in about two years! I'm still still a fair ways from finishing it, but we h...
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Public Release 0.1574.2: New Doll Storyline Ending
July 09, 2022
Angela DeMille
Please note: Because of all the changes I made to how CGs are unlocked, returning players will find that many of their previously unlocked CGs will now be locked again. The new cheat function describe...
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Public Release 0.1572.2: New Doll Storyline Additions
June 11, 2022
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hiya, folks! We have a few additions for this latest Penlight release. First, there's a new CG added to cover the rooftop conversation in the Villainous Robot story, along with a slight amendment to t...
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Public Release 0.1570.3: Tennis Bot Conclusions
May 14, 2022
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
PLEASE NOTE: Due to a recent change, older saved games of the Tennis Bot sub-path may produce an error concerning an undefined variable. If you get this error during play, please start the path again...
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Public Release 0.1568.2: Tennis Bot Script Additions
April 09, 2022
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
And we're back again! This update keeps the focus on the Tennis Bot sub path of the Villainous Robot storyline that I began last month. As mentioned last time, you'll need to follow the Robot path and...
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Public Release 0.1566.3: Redemption and Robot Storyline Updates
March 12, 2022
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hello again, everyone! This release brings with it the completion of the main script for the Redemption Spiral story path and adds a bunch of new CGs to accompany it. Overall I'm pretty happy to get i...
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Public Release 0.1564.3: Redemption Spiral Path Additions
February 12, 2022
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hello, everyone! February's release sees the alternate path of the Redemption storyline almost completed. We're just missing an epilogue, although there's an outline written of how it's going to go. O...
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Public Release 0.1562.2: Redemption Storyline Updates
January 08, 2022
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hey, everyone! Hope we're all having a good start to the year~ In this month's public release, I shifted focus from the storyline I was struggling with and found some inspiration to write an alternate...
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Public Release 0.1560.2: Devotion and Gullible Path Progress
December 11, 2021
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hi, everyone! For the last public release of the year, we have a delightful new CG sequence featuring Hiroko that I had made as part of my development of one of her branching story paths. The "Gullibl...
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Public Release 0.1558.2: Two New Endings
November 13, 2021
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hi, folks! The main writing focus this month has been to work on some of the unwritten branch paths of existing storylines and get some alternate endings done. I finished two of them: One for the Vill...
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Public Release 0.1556.4: "Zombie" Storyline Completion!
October 09, 2021
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hey, everyone! With this update I have at last completed the "Zombie" storyline along one story path. And on the month of Halloween, no less! Shame that the name has had less and less relevance the lo...
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Public Release 0.1554.3: Zombie Storyline Progress & Sprite Upgrade
September 11, 2021
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hey, everyone! It's a bit of a muted release this time I'm afraid. Both me and my artist were pretty badly affected by illness and it seriously disrupted my plans for the month. There's a few more sce...
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Public Release 0.1552.3: Zombie & Devotion Route Updates
August 14, 2021
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Penlight public release day is upon us yet again! This past month saw a little further development of the Villainous Devotion path, with several scenes being rewritten (one of them majorly) to go alon...
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Public Release 0.1550.3: Some More Zombie Route Updates
July 10, 2021
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hello, everyone! In this month's update, I add another load of CGs, tweak some older content and continue making progress on writing Nozomi's second storyline. There's a lot I'm happy about with this...
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Public Release 0.1548.3 - Zombie Story Update and Loads More CGs
June 12, 2021
Angela DeMille
#penlight, #public release
Hey, gang! In this month's update, Nozomi's Zombie route rewrite is well underway. It's changed quite a bit from the original version and is a lot more ambitious as I try some new things with it to se...
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Public Release 0.1546.3 - Nozomi Story Updates
May 08, 2021
Angela DeMille
#penlight, #public release
Hi, folks! This month, I turned my writing focus towards Nozomi's story paths. Her long-neglected second storyline, beginning when Kyou suggests Nozomi act like a zombie, has had some significant work...
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Public Release 0.1544.2 - Hiroko "Trickster" Update & 7 CGs
April 10, 2021
Angela DeMille
#penlight, #public release
Hi, everyone! This month saw my writing struggles continue as I tried to progress the new Trickster storyline some more. I never really got going, but a few new scenes have been written along with a l...
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Public Release 0.1542.2 - Hiroko Storyline Update
March 13, 2021
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hey, peeps! This past month's writing focus has been all on Hiroko, as I tried to get stuck into one of the branch stories I started on last time. The "Trickster" path, a branch of her Ticklish Hands...
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Public Release 0.1540.2 - Miscellanious Story Updates
February 13, 2021
Angela DeMille
#penlight, #public release
Hey, peoples! This update is, as I teased last time, a mixed bag of stuff. I've poked around at multiple storylines and added bits of new script and outline to each of them as I tried to settle on one...
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Public Release 0.1537.2 - Redemption Storyline Completion!
January 09, 2021
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hey, everyone! We're starting the new year by finishing off the Redemption storyline from last month. I'm really pleased with how it turned out, I think it's another strong story, and I hope many of y...
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Public Release 0.1535.3 - Doll Storyline Conclusion & New Redemption Story
December 12, 2020
Angela DeMille
#penlight, #public release
Hello again! This is another monthly update I'm really proud of. First things first, I've gotten one path through the Doll storyline completely written up to a conclusion! I'm mostly really happy with...
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Public Release 0.1532.2 - Doll Storyline Continuation
November 14, 2020
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hello! I'm excited about this latest public release ^^ While I didn't manage to complete the Doll storyline as I hoped, I made some huge strides and I reckon it's going to be another reader's favouri...
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Public Release 0.1529.2 - Doll Storyline Continuation & CGs
October 10, 2020
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
The next public release of Penlight is upon us! Although to be honest, there's not much new writing to be found this month :/ I've been spending my time developing Sayori's Doll storyline, and it was...
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Public Release 0.1527.1 - Full Spanish Translation, Doll Storyline Debut & More!
September 12, 2020
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hi, everyone! Since last month Penlight's had a lot of little changes and updates. There's script edits, another load of new CGs, a few little additions to storylines old and new, and the full transl...
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Public Release 0.1524.2 - Nozomi Reversal Path Update
August 08, 2020
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hello, everyone! The highlight of this month's release is that an eagerly-awaited storyline's gotten a significant update for the first time in, uhh... eight months? ^^; Yeah, the Reversal storyline i...
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Public Release 0.1522.2 - Story Updates, Spanish Translation & General Polish
July 11, 2020
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hi, everyone! This past month has had me making little improvements and additions to the game that didn't involve an awful lot of writing. Not that there isn't any new written content, but most of wha...
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News - Penlight Receives Partial Spanish Translation!
June 18, 2020
Angela DeMille
Hello, all! Today I wanted to talk about something that's been happening behind the scenes that probably isn't exciting to a lot of you, but is something I'm nonetheless really stoked about. I have t...
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Public Release 0.1520.2 - Hiroko Route Continuation
June 13, 2020
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hey, peeps! This month's mostly about Hiroko's new storyline, which was teased last time around. The whole thing's been written as a very seat-of-my-pants kinda thing, borne purely of a desire to writ...
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Public Release 0.1517.1 - Nozomi Route Conclusion & Hiroko Path Teaser
May 09, 2020
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hey, all! This month I feel is a bit light on new content, both on the writing and art front, but I did at least do what I set out to do this month: Finally pen a conclusion to Nozomi's rewritten mai...
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Public Release 0.1515 - Nozomi Route Continuation
April 11, 2020
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hey, gang! The writing focus on this past month has been solely on getting Nozomi's rewritten storyline shipshape, and while progress has been way slower than I'd have liked, there's now some meat on...
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Penlight - Public Release 0.1513.1 (Nozomi Route Rewrite (Preview))
March 14, 2020
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hellooooo, It's been five weeks since the last public release of Penlight, and the game's been in a bit of a transitionary period. My time's mostly been focused on rewriting Nozomi's main path, with t...
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Penlight - Public Release 0.1510 (Sayori Alter Route Completion)
February 08, 2020
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hi everyone! This month's public release is pretty much all about Sayori, as the path I previously showed a draft of has now been written out to a conclusion. To see it, Kyou needs to start her route,...
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Penlight - Public Release 0.1508 Quickfix
January 12, 2020
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
So it turned out there was a bad bug in yesterday's release that stopped the game with an error message if you played the Delusion route and chose to hypnotize Sayori. You can click "ignore" on the er...
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Penlight - Public Release 0.1508 (Sayori Route Additions and CG Bonanza!)
January 11, 2020
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hello again, folks! There's a few things in this release that I'm pretty excited to show everyone ^.^ Firstly, with the main sprite work done I've been able to turn the art budget to CGs, so we now h...
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Penlight - Public Release 0.1506 (New Sprites and Script Rewrites)
December 14, 2019
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
It's been a little while, but public release day is upon us once again~ In terms of new writing, there's admittedly not much to offer this month, with an alternate ending for Sayori's route and a smal...
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Penlight - Public Release 0.1503.1 (Sleeper Agent Path, CGs and More!)
November 09, 2019
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hey, gang! This month's public release includes a ton of bits and bobs added to the game since last time, with the highlights being new CGs (all three girls have one now) and one all-new path, via the...
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Penlight - New Public Release 0.1501 (The Best Friends Update)
October 12, 2019
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
New public release day is upon us again. Yaaaay \o/ Been really excited about showing this one off to folks as it's another BIG expansion, increasing the game's total written content by about a third...
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Penlight - New Public Release 0.1304 (More Story Additions and First CG!)
September 14, 2019
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hey everyone! It's time for another public release ^^ So, this month is where the art upgrades teased last time begin in earnest, with more developed spritework and the first CG! There is still an opt...
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Penlight - New Public Release 0.1302.2 (The Villainous Update)
August 10, 2019
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hey, everyone! I'm excited about this month's release because it's my most productive yet. This update adds an entire new route through the story with one consequential choice and is comparable to th...
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Penlight - New Public Release 0.1215
July 13, 2019
Angela DeMille
Hello, everyone! It's new public release day \o/ This month's release adds some (admittedly generic) background music for the first time and adds some more content to both main routes. I've also attem...
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Penlight - First Release on Itch (0.1212.1)
June 10, 2019
Angela DeMille
#Penlight, #Public Release
Hello, everyone! This, my first visual novel, has been some time in the making. Penlight has existed in various forms and states of completion for at least five years now, but it's only since the last...
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